Wellness Programs & Services

Our instructors offer a variety of programs and classes to reduce the risk of injury, enhance performance, and promote overall wellness. Check out our wellness focused and sports specific programs to help you refocus your energy into what really matters. Certain programs are only offered annually.

Winter Sports Conditioning

October – November

6 week series, to help improve your muscular strength and endurance with a focus on protecting the ACL using Sportsmetrics’s technology to analyze and evaluate form. We then coach based on your results to improve form, build strength and stability and get ready for the ski season!

Winter Sports Maintenance

January – March

4 week series, running in the winter months all about keeping you in good conditioning throughout the winter. This is a circuit based class that will build strength throughout your body and focus on your stabilizing muscles.

Spring Sports Conditioning

March – April

6 week strength program designed for cyclists and runners. Geared to enhance muscular endurance to handle any adventure you have planned for the spring and summer.

Functional Testing           

*By appointment only

These are a series of tests that provides a quick picture of lower extremity function after injury and provides direction for your recovery and improving performance. The results of these tests are used to determine readiness of returning to your sport or daily activities post injury.

Parkinson’s Fitness                     

Mondays & Wednesdays 10AM-11AM

This class includes exercises specifically designed to target the impairments related to Parkinson’s disease. The goal is to  improve overall mobility, function, balance and balance reactions. This class is a great opportunity to exercise with peers, improve mood, and to reduce your risk of falling. Thanks to funding from the Parkinson Association of the Rockies this class is free to participants.

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